
評分4.1(125)“TheGardenParty”byKatherineMansfieldis.Modernistshortstory.ItisareallygoodexampleofModernism.Thereisagooddealofsymbolismandthestory ...,TheGarden-party,andOtherStoriesbyKatherineMansfield.NewYork:AlfredA.Knopf,1922.pp.59-82.Editor:MaryMarkOckerbloom,AttheBay.I.Veryearlymorning.Thesunwasnotyetrisen,andthewholeofCrescentBaywashiddenunderawhitesea-mist.Thebigbush-coveredhillsat ...Att...


評分 4.1 (125) “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield is. Modernist short story. It is a really good example of Modernism. There is a good deal of symbolism and the story ...

The Garden-party.

The Garden-party, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1922. pp. 59-82. Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Garden Party, by Katherine ...

At the Bay. I. Very early morning. The sun was not yet risen, and the whole of Crescent Bay was hidden under a white sea-mist. The big bush-covered hills at ... At the Bay · The Garden-Party · Mr. and Mrs. Dove · Marriage à la Mode

The Garden Party: Full Story Analysis

Katherine Mansfield's “The Garden Party” explores themes of maturation and the loss of innocence as its protagonist, Laura, develops an understanding that ...

The Garden Party

書名:The Garden Party,語言:英文,ISBN:9781539092834,頁數:182,作者:Mansfield, Katherine,出版日期:2016/09/26,類別:文學.

曼斯菲爾德短篇小說選The Garden Party and Sixpence(25K彩圖 ...

《花園派對》(The Garden Party)是在凱瑟琳的弟弟於1915年去世後那段時間所寫的。那時凱瑟琳寫的幾個故事背景都設定在紐西蘭家鄉,講述世紀交替那個年代的故事。《花園派對》 ...

The Garden Party (short story collection)

The Garden Party and Other Stories is a 1922 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield.

[PDF] the garden party (1921)

THE GARDEN PARTY (1921). By Katherine Mansfield the weather was ideal. They could not have had a more perfect day if they had ordered it. Windless, warm, the ...

The Garden Party (short story)

The Garden Party is a 1922 short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published (as The Garden-Party) in three parts in the Saturday Westminster ...

The Garden Party

Katherine Mansfield,should I say Kathleen Beauchamp,which is her original name,is a real great writer. Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/01/2005 - 10:04.